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Client Onboarding Solutions

Ready to See How Setuply Can Unlock Your Full Potential?

Setuply is your partner in growth. With our cutting-edge, purpose-built automation platform, you'll have the tools you need to transform client onboarding into a scalable, engaging process. Our software ensures customers are informed and engaged throughout their journey, laying the foundation for turning new clients into loyal, long-term brand advocates.

Power Up Every Aspect of Onboarding with Our All-In-One Platform

Client Impact Control Center

Give clients the power to stay connected to project progress and reach out for support to keep things on track.

Scale Up Onboarding Engine
Make your onboarding process scalable and repeatable with powerful project management functionality.
Secure Data Management
Easily and efficiently gather client historical data and other information necessary for a successful implementation.
Professional Services Automation
Track your team’s workload and productivity to recognize stars, identify bottlenecks, and avoid burnout.

Your journey to better client onboarding solutions start here.

What Sets Apart a Winning Solution for Managing the Client Onboarding Experience?

Minimize onboarding timespans and improve client experiences by using the best client onboarding software. Customer onboarding software plays a crucial role in creating a positive onboarding experience by automating workflows and personalizing the process. Setuply’s intuitive multidimensional platform is the gateway to your success.


Are These Client Onboarding Frustrations Hitting Close to Home?

Scope Overruns

Too much time to revenue with time and budget overruns can be mitigated by an efficient customer onboarding process.

Resource Crunch

90% of onboarding reps’ time spent seeking info from clients.

Client Disengagement

74% of clients churn due to lengthy and confusing onboarding, significantly impacting customer satisfaction.

Data Risks

Disjointed data and unsuitable tools endanger the project.

Elevate Client Onboarding Software to the Next Level

Ready to transform client onboarding from being a loss leader to a profit engine with the right customer onboarding solution that drives faster revenue recognition and reduces churn?

Setuply’s platform not only enhances customer success by improving customer satisfaction and delivering value faster, but also contributes to reducing churn rates and providing valuable insights into client behavior and product usage.

Setuply’s purpose-built AI-powered platform is a fusion of project management, professional services automation (PSA), client engagement, and secure data staging. We reduce project timespan, expand team capacity, get clients engaged, and deliver incredible results.

But don’t just take our word for it — see the numbers for yourself!


Discover the Impact with Setuply's ROI Calculator

Input your Average Deal Size, Onboarding Team Size, and the Number of Concurrent Projects your team is handling to see the tangible difference our customer onboarding tool can make. Customer success teams benefit greatly from using Setuply's tools, as they help better serve new clients and optimize the overall customer experience. Experience firsthand how our benchmarks show a 25% improvement in team capacity and a 30% reduction in project timelines. Think about its impact on revenue recognition and client satisfaction.

Check out Setuply’s ROI calculator and contact us directly to discover how our solutions can revolutionize your onboarding process and drive exceptional results for your organization.


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Streamlining Client Onboarding: Answers to FAQs

How can I improve client engagement during onboarding?

Clear Communication: Clearly outline the process and set expectations upfront. This helps clients understand timelines as well as the value they'll receive. 

Personalization: Tailor workflows, content, and experiences to individual client needs while guardrailing the process within a structured onboarding process with clearly defined phases and activities.

Real-Time Updates: Use real-time dashboards to keep clients informed and in the loop.

Client Empowerment and Collaboration: Encourage continuous feedback and data sharing.

How do I make personalized client onboarding scalable?

Scaling personalized client onboarding is easier with the right tools. Let automation tools handle tasks like collecting data and sharing project updates. That way, client onboarding teams can focus more on maintaining that personal touch at every stage.

Leveraging a library of pre-built templates and workflows helps kick off onboarding projects smoothly, ensuring projects and processes stay on course. With the ability to customize these templates, notifications, and workflows, teams can deliver personalized experiences while following a predictable, scalable process.

How can I optimize the capacity of my client onboarding team?

Optimizing your client onboarding team’s capacity starts with creating repeatable, scalable processes. Mapping out the entire onboarding journey helps you uncover bottlenecks and find opportunities to streamline and centralize your toolkit to reduce manual overhead.

Iterating through this exercise also helps you find ways to use automation to your advantage. When automation can take over repetitive tasks, your team has more time to focus on strategic initiatives, engage better with clients, and improve continuously. 

At the same time, invest in training so you can prepare your team to handle complex onboarding scenarios with confidence. Encourage sharing best practices and supporting one another while monitoring workloads to prevent burnout.


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